Net Zero (973X352)

Do Something Fantastic and Say Goodbye to Plastic

Why would you make something that you’re going to use for a few minutes out of a material that will last forever? It’s an interesting question, and one that many people will be pondering this July. Plastic Free July® is a global initiative that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. It’s run as a challenge, to ask people across the world to think about what single-use plastics they’ll cut out of their daily life, by simply avoiding them or by choosing durable, reusable alternatives.
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Green Social Prescribing

We hear a lot these days about ‘getting back to nature’ and ‘greening’ everything we do, as a reaction to our always-connected (and consequently always-stressed) lives. There is also a lot said about the benefits of social prescribing, a practice that has the potential to truly revolutionise our approach to health care and wellness. Now though, the two have been combined into what is fast becoming more widely known as Green Social Prescribing.