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Sept Mindfulness

Between managing staff, dealing with patients, costs, finance pressures and other administrative tasks, it's no wonder that burnout is a common occurrence in our field. The demanding and stressful nature of our profession can contribute to burnout, a chronic form of stress that results from prolonged exposure to job demands that exceed an individual's resources.
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Mindfulness: Recognising Burnout

Between managing staff, dealing with patients, costs, finance pressures and other administrative tasks, it's no wonder that burnout is a common occurrence in our field. The demanding and stressful nature of our profession can contribute to burnout, a chronic form of stress that results from prolonged exposure to job demands that exceed an individual's resources.
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2022 Dec Mindfulness

Between managing staff, dealing with patients, costs, finance pressures and other administrative tasks, it's no wonder that burnout is a common occurrence in our field. The demanding and stressful nature of our profession can contribute to burnout, a chronic form of stress that results from prolonged exposure to job demands that exceed an individual's resources.