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Final Webinar in Series: Managing Grief - an Employee's Guide

The final webinar in our expert-led series will be held on Wednesday 13th November @ 1230, on the topic of Navigating Grief in Your Workplace: A Guide for All Staff.

New Webinar: A Manager’s Guide to Navigating Grief at Work

Grief is the price we pay for love, and it’s a high price – but it can be made easier by a compassionate manager who is aware of the needs of their staff and what the law offers to make hard times a little more bearable. That’s what this second webinar in our series will cover on Wednesday 16th October @ 1230 – what a manager should do to make work a supportive environment; what policies you need to be using; what the law says around leave and rights; and the potential liabilities and sanctions you could be inviting if you don’t stick to best practice. Click here to sign up now. 
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Bereavement Leave: How to Get It Right

In this week’s HR article we will delve into the employers responsibilities and best practice for managing bereavement leave within the workplace.