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HR Helpline Queries – Part 1: Giving References

FPM HR expert Ciara Burns looks at the subject of giving employee references, and advises what the best approach is when providing references, how you can avoid potential risks and claims, and what we can learn from previous caselaw.

How to work out bank holiday leave entitlement in your practice

HR Helpline always gets busy in January with Practice Managers asking for help working out their part-time employees’ annual leave and bank holiday entitlement, so we thought we’d try to help.

Opening on Bank Holidays - HR Advice

Opening on Bank Holidays is always a topic that provokes a lot of questions and confusion, so here FPM explains some of the key principles when it comes to public holidays and staff leave.

The truth behind 7 common HR myths

There are so many aspects to HR that it’s no wonder confusion and misinformation can start to cloud our understanding of the facts. FPM’s HR specialist  has collected seven of the most common HR myths and laid out the facts behind the misconceptions.