In 2023, 41.7% of NHS staff reported feeling unwell due to work related stress.
So unless you think matters have improved since then, half or more of your team could be feeling like this today...
So how can we help with this, and also enable you to evidence achievement of the QOF QI indicator this year for “staff wellbeing”, which is worth around £8k per practice?
Well, we have introduced a brand new short workshop on Bringing Your Whole Self to Work – How to Thrive in 2025. It’s designed as an easy way to improve both the wellbeing of the most important asset you have (your staff) as well as improving your Practice’s financial status.
About the Workshop
Bringing your “whole self” to work means being true to who you are, using your key strengths and working on areas you wish to strengthen and improve. It promotes:
- A sense of fulfilment
- Increased confidence
- Better mental health
- Stronger relationships
- An increased ability to navigate life challenges
This helps you recognise your values and goals, aligning them to your actions. It results in you feeling more fulfilled and adding even more value in your professional and personal life.
There will be time for personal reflection, as well as peer-to-peer learning and networking.
All delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.
This short workshop equates with one Continuous Professional Development (CPD) credit.
Contact Helen Murray to book your place now on 07764.370.881 or email her at helen@thornfields.co.uk
PLUS: A New year’s booster jab of resilience with our brand new webinar...
It's on the topic of ‘Blue Monday’, and will be held on Wednesday 15th January from 1230 to 1315.
Delivered by wellness expert Stayce Gibson, you'll learn about some practical ways to improve your mental health at this time of year:
- How to become your own best friend - compare your inner dialogue to what you might say if advising your best friend
- How to make time for humour – don’t feel guilty for using humour at difficult times
- How to make a wellness box -create a simple accessible resource you can visit when you need a wellness boost
- Why you should get in touch with your values – remind yourself what you stand for as a person which then helps to give perspective when needed
- How to set achievable goals - look to make each step realistic and achievable.
So why not come and join us? You may learn something new and adopt a habit that not only helps you deal with Blue Monday, but also the challenges that lie ahead for all of us in the next 12 months.
Click here to register for this not-to-be-missed webinar now!