Primary Care News 29th November 2024

A round-up of the news headlines this week relating to primary care and GP practices in the UK.




GP practices to host job coaches as part of Government plans to reduce unemployment

Management in Practice

Demands for timeline for new GP surgery in Oxfordshire town

This is Oxfordshire

Helen Salisbury: If GPs aren’t formally part of the NHS, what are we?


‘Beat the 8 AM GP rush, get AI to book GP appointments’ think tank finds

Social Market Foundation

Newham GP Practice Wins Prestigious Award

NHS East London Foundation Trust

Fears misinformation behind drop in contraception

BBC News

GP leaders call for end to CQC one-word ratings of practices

Nursing in Practice

General Practice Workforce Data October Release


Record GP appointments shows primary care running hot into winter

NHS Confederation

Over 2,000 missed appointments spark plea from GP network

Keighley News

Long COVID leads to higher healthcare demands and increased costs

Collective Action by GP practices in Weymouth and Portland

Dorset Echo

Time 'running out' to save general practice, warns BMA

Herald Scotland

Give me prescription or I'll kill you, nurse told

BBC News

Time is running out to save GPs, warns top doctor

STV News

Medicines shortages ‘increasing tensions’ between GPs and pharmacists

Management in Practice

Pre-release access list: monthly seasonal influenza vaccine uptake in GP patients


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