Movember is a month-long campaign to encourage men to grow moustaches to raise awareness for men’s health, particularly highlighting cancer and suicide among men.
Movember is a unique campaign to address men’s health across the world. Across the globe, men’s health is in crisis with men dying on average 5 years earlier than women, largely due to preventable reasons. Movember highlights mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer (the most common cancer among young men). Across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day, with males accounting for an astounding 69% of all suicides.
Since 2003, Movember has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world in a plight to challenge the status quo, shaking up men’s health research and transforming the way health services can reach and support men. By funding these projects, community-led mental health projects have saved the lives of men; since 2006, inventions, therapies, and diagnostic tests for prostate cancer have been carried thanks to the help of the Movember campaign, allowing millions of lives to be saved globally.
How Can I Get Involved?
Across the country, men will be growing moustaches, and numerous events will be taking place to raise awareness. It’s really easy to help raise awareness in the month of Movember with men up and down the country taking part in virtual runs half marathon events – you can find half marathons near you on the Movember website. The NHS is also taking part in Movember with their own challenge to grow moustaches and take part in virtual runs of half marathons.
While Movember is important to raise awareness of men’s health, it’s also important to keep the awareness going all year round. Below are some useful resources to use for yourself and your practice:
· Movember 2024 – This contains all of the information on Movember and events that are taking place during the month and how you can help.
· Men’s health guidance was created to give guidance and support organisations on how support men’s health and change the stigma that surrounds the subject.
· Mental wellbeing is important in the workplace to maintain positive relationships and a positive work ethic, mental health in the workplace gives guidance on this with information on how to make positive improvements.
· The rate of suicide is high among men, so it’s important to know the steps to take on how best to support your staff who may be going through this. Suicide prevention and postvention gives all the vital information you may need.