FPM News Round-Up 12th January 2024

A round-up of the news headlines this week relating to primary care and GP practices in the UK


GP practice asks patients to stop making staff cry

Management in Practice

Improvement support – helping practices work towards QoF QI targets and making the most of cloud-based telephony

NHS England

NHS England confirms launch of exception reporting for IIF GP access indicator


Long Covid costs NHS up to £60m more a year in GP appointments, analysis reveals


Canvey Island GP surgery told to improve after concerns of monitoring prescriptions of high-risk medications

Essex Live

Private GP facility in Londonderry being operated voluntarily to 'keep the NHS practise going'

News Letter

Surrey’s 'worst' GP surgery to lose three of its doctors in staffing shake up

Surrey Live

NHS England Resources: ensuring all practices offer three routes to request care

NHS England

Warwick Road Surgery and Fusehill Medical Practice to merge

Cumberland News

GP practices have no time for recovery plan training, say ICBs

Management in Practice

GP practices now eligible for pharmacist training funding


GP contractor income has dropped by a fifth in a year, BMA survey finds

Management in Practice

GPs affected by McCloud pension remedy can claim up to £1,000 compensation


GP out-of-hours syndromic surveillance: weekly bulletins for 2024


Practice makes GPs redundant because of “new ways of working”


Issues faced by GP practices need addressing to alleviate frustrations

Yorkshire Post

Victoria Gate Surgery's no mobile phone calls policy in 2014

Somerset County Gazette

Practice staff ‘fell ill’ due to lack of NHSPS heating maintenance, claims GP


NHS strikes led to 113,000 appointments being cancelled last week

Healthcare Leader

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FPM Group
With over 7,500 customers, First Practice Management is one of the UK’s largest providers of compliance software, expert training and HR support to health and care managers.


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