FPM Core: Supporting You in the New CQC Inspection Regime

The CQC's new inspection process for 2023 is based on five key questions to primary care providers: Are they safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led? Here we look at how our market-leading FPM Core software has been updated to help you stay compliant in this new era of CQC inspections.

Recap: What has changed with the new 2023 inspection process?

The CQC's new inspection process is a significant change from the previous system. It is designed to be more responsive to the needs of patients and service users and to focus on the quality of care. Providers should start preparing for the new process now by reviewing their policies and procedures, gathering feedback from patients and staff, and developing a plan for continuous improvement.

November 2023: The CQC will start to use its new assessment framework in some regions, beginning with the South region. These regions will be selected based on a number of factors, including the level of risk.

2024: The CQC will roll out its new assessment framework to all providers.

The CQC has said that it will provide more detailed information about the rollout plan in the coming months.

The process will be more focused on assessing the quality of care and less on compliance with regulations. The inspectors will use a variety of methods to gather evidence, including talking to patients and staff, reviewing records, and observing the service. The inspectors will use a new grading system, but keep ratings of 'Outstanding', 'Good', 'Requires Improvement', and 'Inadequate'.

What will inspectors look for?

To demonstrate that they are a responsive service, primary care providers can provide evidence of the following that the inspectors will be looking for:

  • A clear complaints policy and procedure.
  • A system for monitoring patient satisfaction.
  • Data on waiting times for appointments.
  • Feedback from patients and carers about their experience of the service.
  • Examples of how the service has responded to complaints or concerns.
  • Policies and procedures that are easily accessible to all staff.

How can primary care providers improve their responsiveness?

There are a number of things that primary care providers can do to improve their responsiveness, including;

  • Investing in new technology to make it easier for patients to book appointments and access care.
  • Developing a clear complaints policy and procedure and making sure staff are aware of it.
  • Regularly monitoring patient satisfaction and acting on feedback.
  • Being open and transparent about the service's performance.
  • Learning from mistakes and making improvements.
  • Keeping policies and procedures up to date and accessible to all staff.

Additional tips for improving responsiveness;

  • Make sure that all policies and procedures are up to date and accurate.
  • Be proactive in responding to patient and carer enquiries. This could involve calling them back promptly or responding to their emails within a set timeframe.
  • Regularly review your policies and procedures to make sure that they are still meeting the needs of your patients and carers.
  • Make sure that your website is up to date and informative, and that it includes information about how to contact the practice.
  • Train all staff on the policies and procedures so that they know how to respond to patient and carer enquiries.
  • Invest in new technology to make it easier for patients to book appointments and access care. This could include using an online booking system or a mobile app.
  • Make sure that your policies and procedures are easily accessible to all staff. This could be by storing them in a central location, such as a shared drive or intranet, or by providing staff with electronic copies.
  • Be open and transparent about the practice's performance. This could involve publishing waiting times for appointments or patient satisfaction data on the practice's website.
  • Consider using a CQC compliance software product, such as FPM Core, to help you manage your policies and procedures.
  • Learn from mistakes and make improvements. If there are any areas where the practice can improve its responsiveness, then make sure that you take steps to address them.

By following these tips, primary care providers can improve their responsiveness and provide a better experience for their patients and carers.

How can FPM Core help?

FPM Core is a new CQC compliance software product that can help primary care providers improve their responsiveness. FPM Core combines all of a practice's policies and procedures in one place, making them easy to find and access. FPM Core also allows practices to track who has read and understood each policy, which can help to ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities.

In addition to helping practices improve their responsiveness, FPM Core can also help practices to comply with the NHS Paperless Agenda 2023. FPM Core is a cloud-based solution, which means that practices can access their policies and procedures from anywhere. This can help to reduce the amount of paper that practices use, which can save them time and money.

If you are a primary care provider who is looking for a way to improve your responsiveness and comply with the NHS Paperless Agenda 2023, then FPM Core is a great option for you. To learn more about FPM Core, please visit the FPM Core website.

FPM also ran a webinar about the new SAF regime on 6th December - watch the video of the recording here.

Created by Jonathan Finch
Jonathan Finch
Jonathan is the Web Content Editor at FPM Group. He writes about issues affecting the UK health and care sectors, and maintains resources and services that make healthcare professionals' lives easier.


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