Many thanks to all the PM’s who have honestly shared how they have been feeling and the way they are having to cope during this time of Covid. The vaccination rollouts have been amazing and having experienced it first-hand I commend you all - well done!
There certainly has been a lot of change to deal with. Our PM’s must constantly adapt and act quickly, sometimes at a moment’s notice with fallouts from change management strategies and the struggles they’re facing when trying to meet some unrealistic deadlines.
Having to cope with change at a moment’s notice has become such an important part of the PM’s job role. They share how they feel harried to make change successful all the time, and the tension they experience in having to make sure that the engagement with staff is empowering and that sometimes the desperate need to keep staff onside and ready for whatever is thrown at them next, is a constant challenge to them.
It’s been a tough time for practices who are delivering care; everyone is tired, stretched with work, fearful and much more. These extraordinary managers have shown great strength and their focus is broadened even further on the question “how is everyone doing” they are initiating daily check- ins with team members (who are for the most part emotionally and physically exhausted) at the cost of their own wellbeing at times.
Many Managers and Practice staff have openly admitted how stressed they are, and anything that claims to help them must surely be worth a try. Some share how they don’t get the recognition, that their work is going on without anyone saying a simple ‘thank you’. When you are spinning so many plates it is a quick and easy confidence booster, especially at a time like this when anxiety levels are off the scale and some feel powerless through the experience.
First steps to achieving Mindfulness
Of course, this kind of pressure affects your general wellbeing, as well as having serious effects on the staff and the practice; anything is welcomed to alleviate potential burnout. The Oxford dictionary defines mindfulness as “A mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting ones feelings thoughts, and bodily sensations”.
It can be used as therapeutic technique and practicing it allows individuals to become more aware of what they are feeling and understanding subsequently their reactions which in turn increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence. All of which is a great strength for the leadership and staff teams in the practice.
We’ve heard how many of you have been feeling and what you notice about your staff, some of whom have ‘shut down’ and become subdued, many of you have shared your difficult journey through this crisis and share how you and your staff really feel and the sheer despondency that has been felt through what seems an endless journey. Others have shared how these experiences although painful have managed to make positive changes within their practices and even created stronger teams.
We want to help you through the change curve (and help you to help yourself) to cope with feeling overwhelmed at times. We will do this by letting teams reflect on the change that’s happened and share techniques to become overcomers and solution finders.
This crisis cannot last forever, but in it (and through it) we can all learn how to manage ourselves through this change curve. Some may be experiencing some resistance to change, or feeling overwhelmed by the work they’re now having to do on a daily basis, but there are some techniques and tools I’d like to share that will help from our Mindfulness and Change Management courses.
A simple exercise for you – as the Leaders in your Practice - to try right now…
You’re faced with yet another change; it’s come in overnight and it’s hitting you at a point where you are being absolutely stretched beyond recognition, and you are feeling stressed like never before.
- STOP and take a break - your mind needs to rest and focus.
- You have now actively blocked everything out and your brain is released to explore the possibilities of how you are going to manage. It gives you the time to THINK.
- Execution of a vision/ change starts with a strong FOCUS
- This is your driver for a successful change idea.
Let’s help you cultivate it; ‘wellbeing’ is the number one prime concern for all of us right now.
Do you want your creativity and innovation back, start by helping yourself through being mindful?
To help your staff get started;
- Firstly, you need to lead by example and share the benefits mindfulness has had on you. Join our 1 hour introductory programme
- Create the space that your staff need to practise Mindfulness (having a ‘Quiet Corner’ for instance).
- Give them permission to have 10 to 15 mins off from work.
- Make TIME for it.
We will talk about the Quiet Corner next time.